Enrolling in CEO is not simply an academic change, it's a lifestyle change. Parents, as long as the class is accomplishing it's goals, you may notice some changes in your child. As most CEO graduates would tell you, the program accelerates the rate at which they grow and mature professionally. This is because they begin to understand what it takes to be a successful person. Responsibility, leadership, and passion. As a parent, we ask that you keep the following thoughts in mind.
We ask that you allow your child to be 100% responsible for his or her actions.
As parents, we are protective of our children and seek to teach our children about the real world while insulating them from struggle, pain and failure. Many of us at CEO are parents and we could not agree more with the previous statement. The CEO program has the exact same goals in mind, but we reach them in a slightly different way. The class is set up to encourage relatively safe failure. We see failure as an opportunity to adapt, learn and grow. By having a real opportunity to fail, students will understand what it's like to actually start and run a business. What we ask of parents is to allow your students to take full ownership of their failures in CEO. If we allow them to take full responsibility of their failures, they can take fully responsibility when they succeed. That is the goal.
Your child may have trouble communicating his or her CEO experience with friends.
CEO students often say that returning to school and talking to non-CEO students about the class is difficult. Friends may not grasp the purpose or magnitude of what your child is doing, so CEO students will often only discuss their experiences with each other and their parents. This is an opportunity to have a unique relationship with your child because he or she will begin to see adults as sources of information and experience.
There is very little discussion time, if any, spent on grades. Getting ALL of the work done to the best of the student's ability is the MINIMUM.
There are only two things that the facilitator considers when scoring journals, which are weekly, and business plan related tasks. Is the work done on time, and is it to the best of the students ability. The journals are due at the same time every week and all other projects will need to be completed by their respective deadlines. Grading is an area that does not command much of our time because it doesn't need to. It's simple and straightforward. Get it done on time, and do it well.